To blog or not to blog, that is the question...

I have a question for all of you. Or maybe I have a whole bunch-o-questions.  

I need to get some feedback.  What does one write about in a blog?  I have used this blog primarily as a platform for my random thoughts about life, my occasional vents about parenting, and a way to espouse my general wisdom, or lack thereof. 

I've intentionally steered clear of topics like politics, religion (mostly), and other "hot topics."  But I'm beginning to feel like I haven't been altogether myself here.  After all, I have very strong opinions about, well...ok, about everything.  But  I've honestly been wary of branching out of what I consider to be relatively safe topics. 

The thing is even my safe topics have received some pushback.  Granted, not a lot, but what's that saying, "it takes seven compliments to negate one negative comment."?  I would argue it takes 477, but that's just me. 

So I've become skiddish, even disheartened by this whole blogging thing.  

So I'm bringing it out into the open.  How much do you share and how much don't you share?  In a day and age where we can actually subscribe to a video blog called Drunk Cooking do we worry about how we are perceived?  Do we share who we really are and risk making people who know us uncomfortable or do we stay safe and try to make everything sound like it's "ok." 

Why do you read blogs in the first place?  What are you looking for?  

I feel like I need to know.


  1. Why do I read blogs? For the same reason I read books. What am I looking for? To be entertained. To walk in someone else's shoes. To view a scenario from the other side of the lens. To commiserate. To gain knowledge and inspiration.

    I find myself narrowing in on a certain type of written "voice." I gravitate to cynical, witty and smart blogs with which I have things in common or hope to someday have something in common with.

    I think how much you share is generally up to you just so long as you are completely honest in your sharing. Quality, not quantity. I cringe at the thought of making everything seem like it's "ok" because if it isn't, why pretend? What is gained out of pretending? What does a facade prove? It seems almost worth weeding out those who are uncomfortable to end up around a group of people who will respect and embrace you for just being you.

    That being said, being completely transparent may only be helpful if it allows a person to reflect, grow, learn and gain knowledge. If that's your intentions at the onset. It might not be as entertaining as drunk cooking, but that's what YouTube is for.

  2. Kali,
    I also lean toward cynical, witty, thoughtful, and honest writing. The hard part in beginning a blog is that most of your followers tend to be family and friends. It's almost like it would be easier if they wouldn't read it, because then I wouldn't worry. I'm less concerned about how strangers feel than how my closest peeps feel.
    But in the end I agree. If someone is uncomfortable with my writing they will probably stop checking in, which is actually better for me in the long run.
    Thank goodness for YouTube

  3. I think blogging is for venting frustrations over two lane roundabouts and how we're not in Europe and how no one knows what the heck they're doing and how we'll probably all die of sideswipes unless all drivers over 16 are forced to go back to drivers ed to find out what lane they need to be in if they want to make a left hand turn.

    That said, I have blogged plenty of posts that I soon after took down. Trouble is, you can never delete anything from that ol' world wide interweb, and once it's up, there isn't much going back.

    As a result, my blog tends towards Polyanna, keeping things light and friendly. Some might see this as unauthentic...but the truth is, if I do post a frustrated rant I usually tend to regret it. I probably wouldn't say that exact rant to every one of my friends worded the exact same way if we were face to face.

    I think you do a great job of riding this wave...being honest and sincere. Not all rainbows and lolipops while keeping it real.

  4. I'm not really sure on this. I know I read your blog 'cause I like reading your random observations and also 'cause I miss our long conversations, so it's a sense of being more involved in your daily life. I'd say write whatever you like, whatever anyone else's opinions on the content might be, good or bad ;)

  5. I have struggled with the same thing. I have a blog that is specifically focused on providing resources for people in ministry so it is mostly children's sermons. I have posted other things but get the most views on the children's sermons so it's clearly a resource people want. I also have a family blog which is supposed to be about living in a multigenerational household but I have not done much with it for the same reason you said--it's mostly family viewing and so it's hard to be totally honest since I do get very concerned about hurting their feelings....
    I read your blog to stay connected and because you have good insights...
    I read other blogs for resources, another perspective, and information...
    Hope that helps!

  6. Blogs are used for a variety of purposes. Some people want to express their unique opinions on a topic. Others may want to blog about a particular person or event. Personally, I have not taken the time to write many blogs and I doubt I'll get into it but some people really enjoy it.

    For me, I would write a blog if I were on some long-distance traveling adventure because I could 1.) Keep my friends and family posted on what I was up to and 2.) Help myself remember everything that went on (basically like a public diary/journal). It seems reasonable enough and, knowing how much you like to travel, I could see many of your friends appreciating such a blog.


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